Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Promotion with Library Public Relations

It's very important to share information about how we are promoting the event! Our head of PR made a special trip to the branch to discuss with the branch manager, the event artist and myself her keen ideas about promoting an event such as this.
Besides being very knowledgable about a successful promotional campaign, she agreed to use her own departments printing budget to get us some really fabulous (200) posters, an oversized poster for the branch, 1,000 bookmarks and 500 invitations to mail. The postage is on the house as well! Who knows how much that would have cost us, sorry I can't provide the numbers.
The people we targeted with the invitations are mostly possible Friend donors, who may be interested in coming to an after-hours fundraising event. This list was generated by the finance department from previous lists.
So we agreed on a date to have the illustration in to the PR department for printing and a date the printing would be ready for distribution in January.
Here we are in January, we had the addresses printed on mailing labels and sent them out asap. Set up several displays in the library, put a 5x5 poster in the main lobby, outreached to several mystery bookclubs around the county and a few bookclubs in our branch by bringing bookmarks and extending a personal invitation.
At this time, we have sold 20 or more tickets!

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